Thursday, August 9, 2007

Well, I've got some more information now.
I go to DC on september 4 for orientation Scheisse and then we (the 50 of us) fly to Frankfurt on the 7th. Then I'll be in a language camp for about a month, i don't know where that language camp will be yet though. Then I'll go to my host family, which, I think, I just got today. I'm not really sure yet. It came in a package that said it was my host family but there are some issues. First of all, they requested a girl. Oops. Second of all, they wanted a student for only half a year. This would mean I'd have to move halfway through the year? Third of all, they live in Edenkoben, a tiny town near the border of France. I'm loving the near France part, but anybody that knows me will tell you that I do not belong in a little town. I need a city; I crave a city. So we'll see what transpires from this - if this is my family or not. I'm trying to be optomistic about the small town thing, but it ain't easy. We'll just have to see how it goes...

1 comment:

Aunt Colleen said...

Hi Thomas,

Got your thank you card and blog address. Had to check it out.

Looking forward to checking regularly.

Aunt Colleen